Monday, October 5, 2009

How Often Should You Update Your Business Blog?

Business-oriented blogs are an excellent way to communicate with your customers. There's no question about that. But a stale blog communicates nothing except your lack of interest. For a blog to work for you, it must be updated regularly, so your audience will return to see what's new.

The best frequency of posting new blog articles depends on your type of business. For some businesses, daily updates are needed, but those businesses are rare. Entertainment businesses are a good example. With constantly changing events, daily updates help keep customers informed about what's happening right now.

For most businesses, weekly or monthly updates work the best. Customers get fresh information without being overloaded with emails about updates or RSS feeds. They're happy to check your blog out once a week or once a month. They learn new information related to your business and are reminded to think about your business, and are more likely to contact you or visit.

Finding time to research and write fresh material can be tough for most business owners. Often, it's best to contract with a professional blogger to handle these regular chores. You'll be on your contract blogger's calendar and the updates will appear, like clockwork. You get the benefit, and none of the work. Custom blogging is affordable, convenient, and just good marketing strategy.

Email Me to discuss how a regularly-updated blog can enhance your marketing strategy. There's no charge for an initial consultation. Visit the links on this blog, too, to learn more about how custom blogging can benefit your business.